Additional 1970s Catering Photos
Below are additional images of the Pan Am 1970s Gold Rim china pattern. The first image shows 2 views of most pieces used in the 16 year period that the pattern was in use (1970 - 1986). However, not all pieces were in use for all 16 years.
The Virtual Pan Am Museum
Below, three more views of a complete 1970s Gold Rim place setting. In addition to fruit & soup bowls the condiment cup (above salt & pepper) and sake / egg cup (to left of salt & pepper) can be seen. There are also a wine, cordial & rock glass shown.
Dishes that were not “pre-plated” with food in ground kitchens were loaded on aircraft in rubber coated metal racks and could be served out of the galley or used on the First Class meal cart. Below salad & dessert plates in their protective rack which measures 9 inches squared and holds 17 plates.
Condiment cups were used for sauces and other small items in the first class service. They were always prominent on Pan Am’s First Class hor d’oeuvre cart holding condiments served with caviar. Below two views of a rack of 12 condiment cups in a rubber coated metal rack. This rack could also be used to hold coffee cups. Plastic wrap was often used to secure the pieces in the racks for transport from the flight kitchens to the aircraft. Crews would unwrap the racks after take-off.
Below is a rack of 9 coffee cups and 10 saucers in the Gold Rim china pattern. The pieces are held in a rubber coated metal rack and wrapped in plastic prior to being open in flight by crew. With two meals served on long haul flights and the assumption that some customers might want an additional warm beverage in-flight, Pan Am generally loaded 3 coffee cup / saucers per First Class passenger. The side pocket held more saucers than cups as additional saucers could be used for various items in flight.
Below are two styles of 1970s silver plate coffee / tea pots produced by the Grand Silver Company for Pan Am. Other than the top knobs and a slightly different spout tips the pots are identical in size & shape. Below the pots is another photo of the two styles of coffee cups produced in the Gold Rim pattern. On the left is the Noritake cup and on the right is a shorter, wider cup that was produced by both Noritake & Bauscher Weiden.

To the right is the Gold Rim sake / egg cup. Pacific crews used the cup for sake and Atlantic crews used the cup for soft boiled eggs on flights where eggs were “cooked to order.” These cups were manufactured by Noritake of Japan and were discontinued in favor of the larger condiment cups in the late 1970s when Pan Am switched plate production to Bauscher Weiden of Germany.
Below is a rack of 15 Pan Am stemmed glasses from the Gold Rim era. The glasses are shown in a rubber coated metal racks and were used in First Class for champagne, wine and water. Pan Am assumed that most customers would sample champagne and wine with their meal (s) in addition to a water glass. Through the years Pan Am configured between 25 and 40 first class seats on a 747 so many racks of glasses were needed to ensure between 3 & 4 stemmed glasses per passenger per flight.